Stimulus spending and quantitative easing have not started a new boom. 刺激性支出和定量宽松政策并未开启新一轮的繁荣。
In real terms, consumer spending has risen for an unprecedented 63 consecutive quarters, far surpassing the 1980s boom. 按实际价格计算,美国的消费者支出已经前所未有地连续63个季度取得增长,远远超过了上世纪80年代的繁荣时期。
Australia could bring some relief to squeezed exporters by saving, not spending, the proceeds of the boom. 如果澳大利亚将繁荣带来的收入储蓄起来而不是花掉,倒是可以让饱受挤压的出口部门喘一口气。
However, since the start of this year, top Chinese bankers and regulators have been warning that many of the loans used to fund infrastructure spending and a property boom could go bad. 不过,从今年初开始,中国银行业和监管机构的高级官员就一直警告,用于资助基建支出和房地产繁荣的许多贷款可能变成不良资产。
Their spending power has begun to fuel a secondary boom in all things car-related. 他们的消费力已开始促成所有汽车相关物品的二次繁荣。
Entitlement spending is bound to increase as the baby boom generation retires. 应享权益支出必须随“婴儿潮”一代的退休人员数量的增加而增长。
Stock market watchers say many speculators are snapping up any stock with "Beijing" in its name in hopes of profiting from a the expected spending boom. 据股票市场观察家讲,许多投机者正疯狂抢购北京概念股,希望籍此从预期的投资热潮中受益。